
Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Today in class we viewed part of the film Jamestown. This documentary presented a review of what we have already discussed regarding the formation of Jamestown and offered additional information based on the archeological digs that have taken place at the original site. What did you think of this style of documentary? Use your film notes and share what you learned about Jamestown that you did not previously know?

You can watch this documentary and many others using Bellevue's permission at the following link.  Create a student account and watch it again or maybe a different one on Plymouth, conquistadors or the Middle Passage. Click below to set up an account.

Double check that your notebook is in order and that all assignments are completed with quality.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Colonial notes work.

Today we are exploring the effects of European colonization on the Americas.

Mrs. Linder's Math Site

Looking for your math assignments or helpful math resources?  Check out Mrs. Linder's portal into your classroom!

Mrs. Linder's Mathematics 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Guest Student Blogger - Jerade.

Last week we learned about the global exchange of goods, ideas, people and diseases known as the Columbian Exchange.  There were both positive and negative effects. The disease that came from Europe were killed many of the Native Americans.  Some of the Europeans believed that God was killing them and that meant that they were supposed to be there.  Be sure to check out your chart in the notebook as well as page 71 in the text to see the many different items that were 'exchanged'.  The contact between Europe and the Americas changed the world!

Want a Brave Achievement card?  Comment below explaining which one of the exchanged items surprised you the most.  Be sure to give details on why it is such a surprise.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


"God. Goods. Greed. What do these words have in common? If you guessed that they're all reasons for Europeans to travel to America, you are right! In today's activity, students made a brainstorming paper of all the words starting with the letter G that might play a factor in a European coming to the Americas. The first page of the History Binder was set up today, with a simple title page."

Student Blogger,  Ed T.

Thunder Twitter

Follow @MissionThunder for announcements!

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Introducing the First Unit


The 4th period Red team
(Spain) plots its claims.
I claim you in the name of "Purple Rangers." Purple Rangers was the name of one of the many teams in today's history activity.  We learned about Europeans "claiming" land, people and goods in the Western Hemisphere. The activity consisted of tape and colored paper and teams claiming items around the classroom. Each team had a limited amount of claims, however, depending on how quickly they completed an assignment

A rivalry broke out during 8th period between the
Red and Green teams as they both sought to claim
Mr. Myers while he checked the timer for the activity.
At the conclusion of the activity we discussed how "claiming" in the Western Hemisphere came to be. Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and other countries came to the Americas to seek the land and people that were present.  In the coming days we will look at the motivations behind those that claimed, the effects on those that already lived in the Western Hemisphere and how the many exchanges that took place changed the world.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Study Already??

Don't look now, but in the right hand column, down just aways, is a list of review links.  There you will find links for most of our tests this year.

I know what you are thinking - wait I can study ahead of time??

Of course!  Studies show that the more you know the vocabulary and people ahead of time, the easier it is to understand the stories, concepts and lessons in history.  So go ahead and click that first review link - or better yet get the Quizlet app and study on your way home, in the morning on the way to school or in the shower (not recommended).

 Last year a few students created their own accounts and made their own review quizzes to share with one another. Totally cool.

Go ahead - study now - before we have even met....I dare you.

Mr. Myers' Quizlet Dashboard

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Parent Email Notification

Please use the following link to complete the email registration for test and project notification.
Thank you!

Click to complete the Email Form